Math 361, Spring 2020
Course information
- See the syllabus for general information and the schedule of readings.
- Class meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 11:00 a.m.-11:50 a.m., in W-1-31.
- Textbook: John Fraleigh, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Seventh Edition.
- Instructor: Steven Jackson.
- Office: W-3-154-27
- Office hours: by appointment.
- E-mail:
- Telephone: (617) 287-6469.
- As of March 13, this course has shifted to online delivery via this page. Please see below for details.
Important dates
- Weekly quizzes happen on Wednesdays during the last ten minutes of class. The first quiz is on Wednesday, February 5.
- First midterm: Monday, March 2.
- Second midterm: Monday, April 13.
- Final exam: To be announced.
Online instruction
Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the University has mandated that all courses move to online instruction for the remainder of the Spring semester.
I will be recording video lectures and posting them on this page. Please watch them in a timely manner, noting any questions and e-mailing them to me so that I can address them at the start of the next lecture. You can find all the lectures at the bottom of this page.
We will continue with weekly homework assignments as usual. However, we will have no more quizzes. Please do not wait until the day before the exam to watch the lectures and do the homework. The pandemic is placing many unusual responsibilities on many people; avoiding procrastination without the prompt of the weekly quiz is now one of your unusual responsibilities.
The dates of the remaining exams remain unchanged. However, the precise mode by which the exams will be administered has yet to be determined.
How to use this page
Below you will find links to the weekly assignment pages. Each of these pages is editable by anyone in the class, so apart from telling you what problems to work on they are excellent spaces in which to ask questions. (If you are very shy you may ask your questions privately, either by email or in person. But we will all work more efficiently if you ask them on the wiki, so that each question only needs to be answered once.) It is also extremely helpful to try to answer questions posed by other students. I will monitor these pages to ensure that no wrong answers go uncorrected.
If you are not already familiar with them, you may wish to read about wiki markup and typesetting mathematics. Also, you may wish to add this page and the assignment pages to your watchlist using the link in the upper right corner of each page, then change your preferences to enable e-mail notifications; this way you will know about page activity without constantly re-checking all the pages.
Weekly assignments
- Assignment 1, due Wednesday, February 5.
- Assignment 2, due Wednesday, February 12.
- Assignment 3, due Wednesday, February 19.
- Assignment 4, due Wednesday, February 26.
- Assignment 5, due Wednesday, March 4.
- Assignment 6, due Wednesday, March 11.
- Assignment 7, due Wednesday, March 25.
- Assignment 8, due Wednesday, April 1.
- Assignment 9, due Wednesday, April 8.
- Assignment 10, due Wednesday, April 15.
- Assignment 11, due Wednesday, April 22.
- Assignment 12, due Wednesday, April 29.
- Assignment 13, due Wednesday, May 6.
- Assignment 14, due Wednesday, May 13.
- Assignment 15, due before final exam.
Recorded lectures
- Friday, March 20 (to replace the class cancelled on Friday, March 13). Topics: Evaluation morphisms; the universal mapping property of $R[x]$; polynomial long division.
- Monday, March 23 Topics: Theorem on polynomial long division; remainder of $f$ modulo $g$; calculation of remainders.
- Wednesday, March 25 Topics: Arithmetic in $F[x]/\left\langle m\right\rangle$.
- Friday, March 27 Topics: Divisibility relation on $D$; associate relation on $D$; associate classes in $D$.
- Monday, March 30 Topics: Irreducible elements of an integral domain; irreducible polynomials.
- Wednesday, April 1 Topics: Prime elements of a domain; relationship between primeness and irreducibility; ideals of $\mathbb{Z}$ and of $F[x]$.
- Friday, April 3 Topics: Prime ideals and maximal ideals.
- Monday, April 6 Topics: Irreducibility and primeness in PIDs; unique factorization; divisor chains.