Talk:Math 242, Fall 2013
Hi classmates!
We would like to organize a study group for this course. We have decided to meet Fridays at 2pm on the 11th floor of the Healy Library. We can review homework problems and any other material folks would like to cover. This should help us to better prepare for the exams. Feel free to email me with any questions. My email is, or just post your questions here. So once more, the details for the study group are:
- Fridays at 2pm until we get tired of calculus
- 11th floor of the Healy Library (as long as there is space, if not we will relocate to a convenient place, possibly the 8th floor of the library)
- Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us.
If people can meet at other times, feel free to use this as an area to discuss that.