Math 480, Spring 2014, Assignment 2
Carefully state the following theorems (you need not prove them):[edit]
- Theorem relating ideals of $\mathsf{k}[V]$ to ideals of $\mathsf{k}[x_1,\dots,x_n]$.
- Theorem on finite generation of ideals in $\mathsf{k}[V]$.
- Theorem identifying a basis (in the sense of linear algebra) for $\mathsf{k}[V]$.
- Theorem relating the dimension of $\mathsf{k}[V]$ (in the sense of linear algebra) to the cardinality of $V$.
Describe the following algorithms:[edit]
- Algorithm to compute sums and products in $\mathsf{k}[V]$ (with results expressed in terms of the basis identified above).
Solve the following problems:[edit]
- Section 5.2, problem 1.
- Section 5.3, problem 5.