Math 361, Spring 2018, Assignment 13
Carefully define the following terms, then give one example and one non-example of each:[edit]
- Solvable by radicals.
- Symmetry (of a field extension).
- Galois group (of a field extension).
Carefully state the following theorems (you do not need to prove them):[edit]
- Theorem concerning existence and uniqueness of splitting fields.
- Theorem concerning $(q-1)$st powers in fields of order $q$.
- Theorem concerning $q$th powers in fields of order $q$.
- Theorem characterizing fields of order $q$ as splitting fields.
- Theorem concerning uniqueness of fields of order $q$.
Solve the following problems:[edit]
- Let $F_1$ denote the quotient ring $\mathbb{Z}_2[x]/\left\langle x^3+x+1\right\rangle$. Show that $F_1$ is a field with eight elements. For purposes of the problems below, denote the generator of this field by $\alpha$.
- Let $F_2$ denote the quotient ring $\mathbb{Z}_2[x]/\left\langle x^3+x^2+1\right\rangle$. Show that $F_2$ is a field with eight elements. For purposes of the problems below, denote the generator of this field by $\beta$.
- Working in $F_2$, find a root of the polynomial $x^3+x+1$.
- Construct an isomorphism from $F_1$ to $F_2$. (Hint: start with the evaluation homomorphism $\phi_r:\mathbb{Z}_2[x]\rightarrow F_2$, where $r$ is the root you found above, and use the Fundamental Theorem of Homomorphisms.)
- Make an explicit table of values for the isomorphism you constructed above.
- Compute the Galois group of the polynomial $x^2-2\in\mathbb{Q}[x]$. (Hint: imitate what we did in class to compute the Galois group of $\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$.)