Math 260, Fall 2019, Assignment 14
Algebra begins with the unknown and ends with the unknowable.
- - Anonymous
- Section 6.3.
Carefully describe the following algorithms:
- Procedure to compute $\mathrm{det}(A)$ by row-reduction.
Carefully state the following theorems (you do not need to prove them):
- Theorem relating determinants to invertibility.
- Theorem on Laplace expansion (Theorem 6.2.10 in the text).
- Theorem concerning the determinant of a product.
- Theorem relating a $2\times2$ determinant to the area of a parallelogram.
Solve the following problems:
- Section 6.2, problems 29, and 45 (Hint for both: use Laplace expansion.)
- Section 6.3, problems 1, 2, and 3 (Hint for 2 and 3: a triangle is half of a parallelogram.)