Math 360, Fall 2021, Assignment 7
Do not imagine that mathematics is hard and crabbed and repulsive to commmon sense. It is merely the etherealization of common sense.
- - Lord Kelvin
- Section 6.
Carefully define the following terms, then give one example and one non-example of each:
- Multiplicative notation (for a general group).
- Additive notation (for a general abelian group).
- Cyclic group.
- Generator (of a cyclic group).
Carefully state the following theorems (you need not prove them):
- Laws of exponents.
- Laws of multiples (i.e. the restatement of the laws of exponents in additive notation).
- Theorem concerning integer division.
- Classification of cyclic groups.
Solve the following problems:
- Section 6, problems 1, 3, 9, 10, 17, 19, 33, 34, 35, 36, and 37.
- Prove that every cyclic group is abelian. (Hint: every element has the form $g^i$ for some fixed generator $g$; now use the laws of exponents.)
- Prove that every cyclic group is countable (i.e. either finite or countably infinite; you may utilize the classification of cyclic groups even though we have not yet completed its proof in class).
- Show that each of the following subgroups of $(\mathbb{Z},+)$ can be generated by a single non-negative integer: (a) $\left\langle 4, 6\right\rangle$, (b) $\left\langle 15, 35\right\rangle$, and (c) $\left\langle 12, 18, 27\right\rangle$.
- (Challenge) Following the pattern of the three parts of the last problem, try to guess a general formula for a single non-negative generator for the subgroup $\left\langle k_1,k_2,\dots,k_m\right\rangle$ of $(\mathbb{Z},+)$.
Textbook Solution:
1. 42 = 9·4+6, q = 4, r = 6
3. −50 = 8(−7)+6, q = −7, r = 6
9. 1, 3, 5, and 7 are relatively prime to 8 so the answer is 4.
10. 1, 5, 7, and 11 are relatively prime to 12 so the answer is 4.
17. gcd(25, 30) = 5 and 30/5 = 6 so <25> has 6 elements.
19. The polar angle for i is π/2, so it generates a subgroup of 4 elements.
33. The Klein 4-group
34. $<\mathbb{R}, +>$
35. $\mathbb{Z}_2$
36. No such example exists. Every infinite cyclic group is isomorphic to <\mathbb{Z}, +> which has just two generators, 1 and -1.
37. $\mathbb{Z}_8$ has generators 1, 3, 5, and 7.
2. Let G be a cyclic group with a generator g∈G. Namely, we have G = ⟨g⟩ (every element in G is some power of g.). Let a and b be arbitrary elements in G. Then there exists n,m∈Z such that $a = g^n$ and $b = g^m$. It follows that
$ab = g^n g^m = g^{n+m} = g^m g^n = ba$