Math 360, Fall 2021, Assignment 4

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Mathematicians are like Frenchmen: whatever you say to them they translate into their own language, and forthwith it is something entirely different.

- Goethe


  1. Section 4.

Carefully define the following terms, then give one example and one non-example of each:

  1. $(\mathrm{Fun}(S,S))$.
  2. $f\circ g$ (the composition of the functions $f$ and $g$).
  3. $\iota$ (the identity function from a set $S$ to itself).
  4. $\mathbb{Z}_n$.
  5. $+_n$ (addition modulo $n$).
  6. $\cdot_n$ (multiplication modulo $n$).
  7. Semigroup.
  8. Monoid.
  9. Inverse (of an element of a monoid).
  10. Group.
  11. Abelian (group).

Carefully state the following theorems (you do not need to prove them):

  1. Theorem regarding associativity of composition.
  2. Theorem asserting that $+_n$ is well-defined.

Solve the following problems:

  1. Section 4, problems 1, 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, and 19.
  2. Give an example of (a) a binary structure which is not a semigroup, (b) a semigroup which is not a monoid, (c) a monoid which is not a group, and (d) a group which is not abelian.
  3. By making an operation table, determine which elements of the commutative monoid $(\mathbb{Z}_5,\cdot_5)$ have inverses. Then do the same for $(\mathbb{Z}_6,\cdot_6)$ and $(\mathbb{Z}_8,\cdot_8)$.
  4. Based on the results of the previous problem, try to make a conjecture regarding which elements of $(\mathbb{Z}_n,\cdot_n)$ have inverses.
  5. Carefully show that the operation $\cdot_n$ is well-defined (i.e. state and prove a theorem analogous to the theorem asserting that $+_n$ is well-defined).
--------------------End of assignment--------------------




  1. Composition of functions is always associative.
  2. $+_n$ is well-defined: if $a=b mod(n)$ and $c = d mod(n)$, then $(a + c) = (b + d) mod(n)$.

Book Problems:

  1. 1. No. 0 doesn't have inverse.
  2. 3. No. Not associative; No identity.
  3. 5. No. Not associative, no identity.
  4. 11. Yes.
  5. 12 No, null matrix has no inverse.
  6. 13. Yes.
  7. 14. Yes
  8. 18. No. $\{(1,1), (1,1)\}$ has 0 determinant and has no inverse.
  9. 19. a. $a + b + ab = (a \cdot (b+1) + b$, if $(a \cdot (b+1) + b = -1, a \cdot (b+1) = - b - 1 = -(b - 1), a = \frac{-(b+1)}{b+1} = -1$, but$a \neq -1$, same thing for b. It gives a binary structure.

Other Problem :

  1. A binary structure which is not a semigroup: $(\mathbb Z, \triangle )$ , for $a, b \in \mathbb Z, a \triangle b = a + 2(b + 1)$;a semigroup which is not a monoid: $(S, \triangle), S = \{a,b\}$, for all $a, b \in S, a \triangle b = b$; a monoid which is not a group: $(Z_3, *)$, for $a, b \in Z_3, a * b = (a \cdot b) mod 3$; a group which is not abelian: $(S_5, *), S_5 = \{3*3 \text{ matrices whose determinant } \neq 0 \}$, $*$ is matrix multiplication.
  2. Elements: $(\mathbb{Z}_5,\cdot_5): 1,2,3,4; (\mathbb{Z}_6,\cdot_6): 1,5; (\mathbb{Z}_8,\cdot_8): 1,3,5,7$.
  3. for $n$, for all $a \in \mathbb Z$, if $a$ is not $1$ and $a$ divides $n$, $a$ and any $a * b for any b \in \mathbb Z$ will not have inverse
  4. For operation $ \cdot_n$, if $a = b mod(n), c = d mod (n)$ for $a, b, c, d \in \mathbb Z$, then $a = b + k_1 \cdot n, c = d + k_2 \cdot n$, for some $k_1, k_2 \in \mathbb Z$. $a \cdot c = (b + k_1 \cdot n) \cdot (d + k_2 \cdot n)$, $(b + k_1 \cdot n) \cdot (d + k_2 \cdot n) = b \cdot d + b \cdot k_2 \cdot n + d \cdot k_1 \cdot n + (k_1 \cdot n) \cdot (k_2 \cdot n)$ $= (b \cdot d + 0 \cdot n) + (0 +(b \cdot k_2 + d \cdot k_1 + k_1 \cdot k_2) \cdot n) = (b \cdot d) mod(n) + 0 mod(n)$. According to theorem of well_defined $+_n$, $(b \cdot d) mod(n) + 0 mod(n) = (bd)mod(n)$. $ a \cdot c = (bd)mod(n)$, $\cdot_n$ is well_defined.