Math 361, Spring 2014, Assignment 14
Carefully define the following terms, then give one example and one non-example of each:
- Splitting field (of a nonconstant polynomial $p\in F[x]$).
- Galois group (of a nonconstant $p\in F[x]$).
Carefully state the following theorems (you need not prove them):
- Theorem on existence and uniqueness of splitting fields.
- Theorem concerning finiteness of the Galois group.
Solve the following problems:
- Give an example of a domain which is not a UFD.
- Consider the polynomials $p=x^2-2, q=x^3-2,$ and $r=x^4-2$ in $\mathbb{Q}[x]$. Let $E_1, E_2,$ and $E_3$ be the splitting fields of $p, q,$ and $r$, respectively, over $\mathbb{Q}$. Compute the dimensions $[E_1:\mathbb{Q}], [E_2:\mathbb{Q}],$ and $[E_3:\mathbb{Q}]$. (Hint: follow the construction used to prove existence of splitting fields, and use the Dimension Formula. To compute the dimension of $E_3$, you may find the following fact helpful: $x^4-2 = (x^2 + \sqrt{2})(x^2-\sqrt{2}) = (x^2 + \sqrt{2})(x + \sqrt[4]{2})(x - \sqrt[4]{2})$.)
- Compute the Galois group of $x^2+1\in\mathbb{R}[x]$.
- I just want to make sure my definition for Galois Group is right. When it is a non-constant polynomial and a field, I believe it is the splitting field of that non-constant polynomial over the field. But there was also an important Galois Group definition with two splitting fields where the group contains all isomophisms making the commutative diagram.
Definition: Splitting field (of a nonconstant polynomial $p\in F[x]$).
Fix a polynomial of strictly positive degree $p \in F[x]$. A splitting field for $p$ is a field extension $F \to E$ for which both of the following are true:
- p splits over E
- $E=F(\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\dots,\alpha_n)$,and every $\alpha_i$ is a root of $p$.
Example: Working over $\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{C}$ is a splitting field for $x^2+1$.
Definition: Galois Group (of a nonconstant $p\in F[x]$).
Fix a polynomial of strictly positive degree $p \in F[x]$. Define the Galois Group of $p$, denoted $Gal_F(p)$, to be the splitting field of $p$ over $F$.
Example: $Gal_{\mathbb{R}}(x^2+1)=\mathbb{C}$
- Existence and Uniqueness of Splitting Fields
LEt $p$ be a polynomial in $F[x]$, where $F$ is a field. A splitting field of $p$ over $F$ exists, and it is isomorphic to all other splitting fields of $p$ over $F$.
- Finiteness of Galois Group
The Galois group of $p$ over $F$ is finite, and is a subgroup of $S_n$, where $n$ is the number of distinct roots of $p$.